Thursday, November 13, 2008

Naam Yoga Miami: *Love *Peace *Light*

Join EuGene and Jodi as they talk about the prayer of Love Peace & Light used in Naam Yoga classes. Learn how it benefits the individual as well as the community and collective consciousness. Use this prayer anytime and anywhere for healing, peace of mind, and divine connection.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall.....

I was a member of A Course in Miracles study group for about 5yrs. And the one tool that was emphasized as a major tool for transformation was the practice of Mirroring.

Mirroring is the process of seeing yourself in everyone around you, every situation you find yourself in, and using these people and situations as a direct reflection of your conscious and subconscious patterns. This information can then be used to heal the not so good patterns that the waking ego doesn’t want to acknowledge, and encourage further development when growth and spiritual maturity shine forth in harder situations.

Now it’s easy for me to get my positive feedback from the Universe ya know. The thank you email or voicemail from someone I’ve touched with a conversation or random loving phone call or text. It feels good to know that I’m growing to my greatest yet to be. It’s the those times when my 3rd chakra is tingling (will, ego), my mind is soaring with justified reasons and evidence to prove how “right “I am, and my eyes are showing me the that this “other” person that appears to be outside of me is sooooo wrong! I know you can relate to me on this. Most light workers have been and will continue to be faced with these situations as the collective vibration increases and we all have to face and embrace our shadows.

In these situations I find that the process of mirroring takes superhuman “attention” to the moment and my breath in order to execute this powerful technique. Its like once you decide to walk the conscious talk, you’re provided plenty of opportunities to utilize the tools of the trade. Whether or not we use the tools we teach and advise others to use is a whole other story I must say. I find it rewarding to apply the tools and get results, as well as, forgetting to apply them and getting my results. Either way, I win through the direct experience of my conscious choice. I now get another chance to forgive and love another day.

Lately I’ve been faced with many chances to use the tools, like it or not! Qabbalistically I’m moving through my Mars period personally, and Venus in my relationship, so things have been interesting to say the least. Spiritual partnership is one of the highest forms of transformation in my opinion. It is also one of the hardest in which to apply the process of mirroring too. When we look at divorce rates and the always-fluctuating stability of male and female relations, it’s easy to see that we can all use some help with this powerful and delicate process. I can’t say I always see eye to eye with my partner, but I can’t deny that she shows me all the things about myself that I never wanted to see and those that I’m proud to have in common with her. It’s those things I DON’T want to see that are always hard as you can guess. Is it that we strive so hard to be perfect or balanced and can’t face our own faults enough in ourselves to forgive them in others? I’ve had to ponder this for myself lately, and I know everything that happens between now and 4yrs from now are crucial lessons for me to learn in order to sync up with the transformative energy that the Earth is emitting.

Bottom line for me is that Universal law is absolute, and since I’m here to grow and expand, I might as well love my lessons and take them one day at a time. Thank God for Naam Yoga, my music, Guru Naam, and my favorite guru of all, my beautiful partner. She inspires me to push my boundries and move deeper within, and for this I will be forever grateful. Wherever you go, there you are. Its time I give love and forgiveness to myself, wherever I AM!!!